
2024-01-02 09:21:16 59 0

1. 诗歌代表作十四行诗集将当时***的十四行诗创作推向顶峰被誉为莎士比亚体

In English, Shakespeare's representative work, the collection of sonnets, reached the pinnacle of English sonnet composition during the Renaissance and is known as Shakespearean sonnets.

2. 银行手续费英文

The English translation for "银行手续费" is bank charges.

3. 从0开口说英语1-4级,中外教双师互动

从0开口说英语1-4级,中外教双师互动" translates to "Speaking English from Level 1 to Level 4 with interactive teaching between Chinese and foreign teachers."

4. 在第三行上vs在第三行里

在第三行上" translates to "on the third line" while "在第三行里" translates to "in the third line."

5. 行的英文

The English translation for "行" depends on the context. Some possible translations are: a row, profession, professional. For example, "行" can be translated as "a row" in the context of a statistics bar, as "profession" or "professional" in the context of someone's occupation or expertise.

6. 行的用法和样例

The usage and examples of "行" can vary depending on its meaning. For example, in the phrase "他的行为招致尖锐的批评" (His behavior called forth sharp criticism), "行" is used to refer to behavior. In the phrase, "他有才干能在本行业中首屈一指" (His ability can rank among the best in this industry), "行" is used to refer to the industry or field.

7. "行"的常用意思

行" has various meanings in Chinese. Some common meanings include: go (走), do


carry out

engage in (做

从事), and be current or popular (流行


8. "可以吗,行吗,用英语怎么说?"

The English translation for "可以吗,行吗" can be "Is it okay? Does it work?" In this context, "可以吗" and "行吗" are used to ask for consent or agreement.

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